Politics As Usual


He Giveth and He Taketh Away

This showed up on the nin.com last night, but when i checked for it this morning i couldnt find it. I guess trent r4ealized that he was only fanning the flames for nEARly's debut album. This concludes(or is the beginning of) another ex-employee/ex-employer fued. Some ex-nin musician have been able to make a good name for themselves(Patrick=Filter, Vienna=Tweaker, Clouser=Film Scoring, Lohner=Music Production). But, trent(i'll replace your ass in a heartbeat if you even sneeze funny) Rez has never asked any former members back, so you can image working with him as being a life-changing, career-stimulating venture. I'm sure any musician would give his left nut to have the chance. But, it comes at a cost, the average member lasts only five years. So if you have learned, gained some acclaim or wrote a book about it by that time your just fucked! Then, on top of that, your have to deal with him totally dogging your ass after he drops you. It's fucked up, you trust someone for five years, give it your all and not only did they drop your ass like a hot potato, but he's also going to make your replacement look like a god compare to you(i'm thinking of the whole....pissing on someone's shoes and kicking them out the door comment). But, after all this, I still love trent's creative side and I can't give that up...he inspires me too no end.



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