Ministral 'Kramer'
As the shit hits the fan, more video has come out about Michael Richards once again showing his lack of respect for black people.
Labels: Race is still an issue
Politics As Usual
Labels: Race is still an issue
Labels: Fuckin Pigs
This only confirms what I've learned in my Black Studies classes!......the truly sad part about it was that there were people in the audience asking Kramer Not to leave the stage? ...........But this is america, right?
Labels: Race is still an issue
Labels: Fuckin Pigs, Gone But Not Forgotten
Labels: Fuckin Pigs, Gone But Not Forgotten, Music News
Labels: Fuckin Pigs, Gone But Not Forgotten
Labels: Race is still an issue
Prince is to open his own Las Vegas nightclub where he will perform every Friday and Saturday night. Apollonia 6 & The Time On Tuesdays & Thursdays, Tevin Campbell Night every Wednesday nights, Vanity 6 on Monday's & Doctor Fink one man show on sundays!
Labels: Music News
Labels: Music News
Labels: Music News